Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Since the Blood

John 4:34 Jesus said unto them, my food is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work. As I go through my walk as a Christian I realize there is a lot of work to be done. I realize that anything I thought or think to do does not matter if it does not match up with what God wants of me.

When I decided to answer the call of Christ Jesus and to take up the cross and follow Him there was a promised made? If I make a promise I should not differ to pay. This Christian life is not an easy road to walk. It is not a joke, a phase or a new fad to try on. When the heart of a sinner is truly converted there should be change. But we should not expect everyone’s change to look the same, because God uniquely made each of us. But there should be a light that shines from within for others to see.

Old things are passed away and behold all things become new. “Of course God knows that we are in flesh.” He knows we may falter and fall. The great thing about God is that He is merciful and full of grace, compassion and love. He also promises us to never leave us or to forsake us. So what is all the worry about? We can trust him. He is the same today yesterday and forever. He is there to direct our paths.
If this change is to occur, why are so many Christians walking around with their eyes closed. “If we are followers of Christ should we not be following in His footsteps, doing what He has done and what He has asked us to do”

This has been eating me up for such a long time. I was beating myself up to be perfect. Now I have learned that Jesus’ grace should be sufficient enough for me. I am still working on these characteristics, but not on my own. I am succeeding with the help of Jesus Christ Spirit which dwells in me and the same Spirit dwells in each of us (we were created in His likeness and image).

Surrendering to God each and every single day is an important step in being Christ like and having a purposeful life. Giving Him the first fruit of your day will also help. This means: set your alarm a half hour early and read a scripture and pray to the Father, spend some time with Him. I find that another thing that has helped me is to spend more time in the word of God. John 1:14 and the word was made flesh, and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
John 1:1 In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. So it is imperative to read the words of God (then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free).

Sometimes I feel like a sitting duck in the same spot every day but, this life with Christ I will not give up on. God never said that this would be easy, but when I look how far he has taken me, I want to keep holding on. We all want to get to heaven. What are we doing to get there? The farmer wants to reap a good crop so he can make a profit and take care of his family, so he wakes up early and plow, till and prune….. He works diligently so he can get the reward. The same goes for a good Christian.

I am looking deeper into the life of Jesus, reading His words more. Being a Christian is not just a one way street, we need to come prepare to work in the vineyard and to fight the war. Pray for me as I do the same for each of you. I have also added a link for more reading if anyone is interested.

Prayer: Heavenly Father we come to you today with broken spirits, and contrite hearts. If there are any hidden sins within us right now we pray that you will turn our crimson red whiter than snow. We are humbly asking you to direct our paths and we are asking for the Holy Spirit to come and give strength, to do your will and the courage to obey. Help us to surrender our all to you and help us to not be the same, but to be more like you in the holy name of Jesus Christ. Amen

You know I never leave you without some inspirational songs.


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